Catalina Info


2023 Catalina List
Unsure what a Catalina is or how they work?  Scroll down below.

Didn’t get one that you should have?  Have your receipt in front of you and fill out this online form.  They’ll usually mail it out to you.

This list is here because of you!  THANK YOU!  Please send us any we don’t have and let us know if you test them at a store that isn’t listed.

We love pics of your printouts, but will take what we can get!  :)

Note:  Fry’s almost always has the same Catalina offers as Kroger, if you’re not in Arizona and are reading this.

Only one current Catalina offer for Lean Cuisine or Life Cuisine, valid 10/13/23 – 11/24/23 . . . 


What are Catalina coupons?

Catalina coupons are cash-like coupons that print at the register after you make certain purchases.  Sometimes you will see products tagged in the store, letting you know you’ll get one.  Sometimes, you’ll receive a printout saying that the offer is coming or is already happening.  Other times, you’ll get a surprise and earn the deal without even trying.  When we know about them, we put them on the shopping lists.

When we refer to a “Catalina” on a shopping list, here are some things to keep in mind . . .

  • Catalina coupons are triggered to print when you purchase specific items.  For instance, if you buy 2 boxes of XYZ, you will receive a $1 Catalina. If you buy 3 boxes of XYZ, you will receive a $2 Catalina, etc.  Or, it could be a certain spending amount.  Example:  Spend $25 on Huggies, get a $5 Catalina.
  • Keep in mind that if you buy more than the maximum number listed, you won’t get an extra Catalina.  You will need to do a separate transaction, to get a second Catalina coupon.  Only one will print at a time, per offer.  (If you are buying two totally different products for two different offers, you will get them both at the same time.)
  • You can almost always use the Catalina coupon you just received to buy the same item again.  The is also referred to as “rolling” them.  (There are very rare exceptions.  The safest is not to do it, but you can always return the item if you don’t get the second one.)
  • The Catalina coupon you receive can be used for almost any future purchase at that same store.  It’s cash-like and can be used for other items.  There are some exclusions like alcohol, tobacco, etc.  It’s not like a typical coupon that requires you to purchase a specific item to get the discount.
  • Catalina coupons almost always expire two weeks after you receive them but check the date on yours, to be sure.
  • No change will be given, so make sure your total exceeds the amount of the Catalina, after your other coupons are deducted.
  • If you don’t receive the Catalina, you have two options (beyond returning the item right away).  If there’s a shelf tag, point it out to the store and they will usually give you the cashback.   Or, save your receipt and contact Catalina Marketing.  I have found they respond, but don’t always communicate well.  You may just receive the Catalina in the mail, a short time later, without any prior communication.  So, give it a week or so, after contacting them.  Be speedy about redeeming it since the clock starts ticking on the expiration when they print and mail it, not when you receive it.

Just keep in mind that when you are making a purchase, you will pay the full price out-of-pocket. The Catalina coupon will lower a future out-of-pocket cost, not the immediate purchase.  To simplify things, I consider the discount coming off my current purchase and then treat the coupon I receive like I would any other cash.  I only use it on what I would normally get, not “blowing it” and thinking of it as “free money.”

Mentally, when I earn the Catalina, I deduct the amount of my Catalina from my total.  When I redeem it, I add the cost of the coupon I paid with, to my total cost.   I realize it’s kind of backward thinking (and the opposite of what’s going in and out of my pocket), but it helps me evaluate if the initial purchase (to earn the Catalina) is worth it or not.  The main thing to remember is that you can’t count the savings when you get it and when you redeem it.  Too many people think that way and don’t realize they’re paying more than they think.

Above is an example of a notification about a Catalina promotion.  The actual coupon you receive is different and cash-like!  This one is not a coupon you can redeem in the store.  If you get one like this, that isn’t on the list above, please email us.  We’d love a picture, but you can also type out the details for us.  Catalinas are often a mystery and any help we can get gathering the information can help a lot!  ( or  THANKS!

5 Comments on Catalina Info

  1. About these. Coupons I worked at a grocery store and if you go threw self checkout and hit the checkout/pay button the coupons will print before you pay. You can then use them on the current transaction

    1. I’ve noticed the more ad-like coupons print earlier, but not the cash-like ones. I guess I don’t earn them very often, so I’ll be on the lookout. It’s nice to use them right away, so you don’t have to keep track of them! Thanks for letting us know!

  2. Thank you Juli!

  3. Any idea/tips on how to get affordable organic fruits and vegetables in AZ?


    1. Other than waiting for a sale or a rare coupon, it’s hard to save. (Sprouts & Whole Foods have coupons on their websites for organic food, but rarely fruits & veggies.) Stock up when it’s on sale and freeze or can what you are able. My friend just bought a bunch of organic apples when they were on sale and made a lot of applesauce. :) It’s just expensive, but watch for the best sales and try to stay flexible on what you eat. Good luck!

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