Circle K Instant Win Game 2024 – Play in App
A new Circle K instant win game started March 5, 2024. You can play online or in your app.
Circle K has instant win games that often get you gas discounts, product freebies, and entries into big sweepstakes.
New Circle K Game – March 5, 2024 – April 29, 2024
Circle K’s instant win “game” started on March 5, 2024 and will run through April 29, 2024. It’s called Gasino. It took me a while to notice it’s not Casino, but with a G — not that it’s important!
Where is the new Circle K Game in the app?
You can no longer play the game in a browser. You must have their newest app, link here.
Don’t assume you already have the app. Get the right one!
Below, it shows the different logos for their apps. The new one is the one on the left & what you need to get all the current Circle K offers and deals in Arizona and other states. If you have an orange line unde their logo, you won’t find the game there.
How do you play the Circle K Game?
To begin, you’ll need to enter a valid cell phone number, and then you may need to answer a few other basic questions. After that, it’s fast. You can play once per day.
Click on the “Play to Win” from the homescreen, then you’ll choose the game on the left “Play the Pump.” Tap the slot machine lever and you’ll see what you won.
Be aware that the prizes are often Buy One, Get One Free offers. Read it carefully so you know whether it’s a totally free item or a BOGO offer.
If you win anything, the prize is entered into your wallet.
How long do you have to redeem your Circle K prize?
After you win your prize, you are given 3 days (10 days for fuel discounts) to redeem your prize. There will be a countdown clock that shows how many hours, minutes, and seconds you have left.
Where do you find your Circle K Wallet & Redeem Instant Win prize?
If you win Circle K’s instant win game, your prize will be in your “Wallet.” To get to your wallet, you will need to open the game again (in your app). Then, tap on the “Prize Wallet” tab.
The first time you access it, you will be texted a verification code. After that, you will be able to go directly to your wallet without the extra verification process.
When you’re at Circle K, you will slide the “Redeem” arrow aftaer tapping on the prize you won.
Don’t click the next link until you know you’re getting close to checking out (or when they start ringing it up) since you only have 5 minutes to redeem the offer after you click it. You can click the first “Redeem” you see under the prize earlier. Just don’t click the next one that pops up unless you want your timer to start.
Don’t close the offer until you are sure it’s been accepted. Sometimes, something goes wrong and they need to rescan it. If you close the offer before it goes through, you won’t be able to reopen it.
Your prize will not come via a text message as in the past.
What is the Circle K Instant Win Game grand prize?
Each time you play, you will also get an entry into the grand prize drawing. There’s also a bonus game you can play and a few other things you can to do earn entries. Click on “Official Rules” from the dropdown menu for more specifics.
At the end of the Circle K game, one person will win a $10,00!
The winner will be chosen on or about May 6, 2024, and will be notifed through a text message.
More ways to save at Circle K . . .
How do you sign up for Circle K Text Offers?
To begin receiving Circle K text deal, text COFFEE to 31310. You’ll get an offer for a free coffee, but there’s more! They will send you random offers to save on fuel or other freebies. Make sure you’re also playing their game and using their app for freebies and other great deals.
You also have the option to opt-in when playing the Circle K game.
Dbacks Strikeout Meter for Freebies!
The Strikeout Meter is back for the 2024 Arizona Diamondbacks season. After each home game, you’ll get a freebie.
You can not use their old app. You will the need the newer “North America” Circle K app (more circular logo; only app offered now),
You will see the above graphic on the homescreen. If it’s not showing, that means there wasn’t a home game yesterday. If you see it, tap to “Get Today’s Prize” and follow the instructions.
They are still appearing in the “old app,” not the one labeled “North America.”
What is Circle K Easy Pay?
Pay less each time you get gas at Circle K if you link your checking account to their Easy Pay card.
You will need to register for Easy Pay in your app or sign up here by linking the card to your checking account.
When you pay with Easy Pay, you will save 30ยข per gallon on your first 100 gallons (or 60 days) of fuel, then 10ยข/gallon each time after that.
Here are their step by step instructions:
Step 1: Get your Easy Pay Card
You can find Easy Pay cards at any participating Circle K Store. Not near a store? We can mail one to you!
Step 2: Link the card to your checking account
Your Easy Pay card will act as a debit card for your checking account. Youโll be able to sign in directly to your bankโs website to connect it.
Step 3: Start saving money in a safe & secure way!
Save 30ยข per gallon on your first 100 gallons of fuel, and $0.10 per gallon after that. Youโll be required to enter your PIN at the start of each transaction to ensure the protection of your account.
Don’t miss a deal! Follow on Instagram & sign up for emails.
How does the share work for the rewards? I tried it and my husband was not able to find the reward and then it moved it to inactive phone.
I’m sorry that I didn’t see this earlier. Unfortunately, I’m probably little help, though. You can try contacting Circle K’s customer service if this doesn’t help you . . .
You have to go to your prize wallet (in the game/browser, not their app) and click the green arrow on the right, on the prize you want to share. They give a warning that says, “You can only share prizes from your native smartphone browser (not from apps). I just follwed the promts after that and it sent my daughter a text with a link she could click on to redeem the prize. If you were on your phone, I don’t know what could have gone wrong. Hopefully, their customer service can help you.
How do you find the Virtual Product AR in a CircleK store to enter their Pay Your Bills current contest?
What is the virtual part? I’m so confused and the associate was no help!
when will the new games begain
Sorry for the slow reply on this. I just saw your question. The new Circle K game should be starting tomorrow, December 1.
when will the new games start like them a hold lot let me know
The Sept-Nov game ended for Circle K. Will there be another one this year?
I paid for the 30 day drink should have been out just before the 1st. Paid again befor Christmas an was ask to pay again on the 3rd. What do do I do?
I’m sorry for not responding to this sooner. I just saw your comment. I’m not affiliated with Circle K, so you will have to contact them directly. Hope that you already did that and they were able to help!
This game is really frustrating because I’ve had the weirdest luck or its a scam because for a week in a row I’ve gotten nothing but string cheese or pork rinds. They are obviously trying to give them two things away. I was really excited about the new game this year til I played it for a few weeks.
That is weird. I’ve never won string cheese, but my husband did once. I don’t even think the stores around us carry iut. I’ve won pork rinds a few times, which is annoying since … yuck! But, I’ve enjoyed most of the other prizes and it’s awesome to win every day. I’m still coming out ahead, even if you take out the prizes I don’t like, since you win every day. Hope your luck changes soon!
Horrible game. Dies not work properly. Sad. The other games were at least fun.
Iโve won chips, beef jerky, sodas, discount on fuel, energy drinks, almost everything there is to win Iโve won , great game.
Horrible game. Dies not work properly. Sad. The other games were at least fun.
I agree! The other games were straightforward and you got a nice prize instantly. This is a pain! I logged in this morning and something changed. It SEEMED like points were added, but who knows what happened? It’s still a mess and I’ll have to try it another day or two to see if they really fixed anything. BUT, there might be hope for them fixing something.
Its beem working pretty well on my end. Workes properly, with zero issues. Could be your phone, internet, or maybe you cant figure out how to work the site/app?
The game is over now, but it was super glitchy for many. I got many emails, comments on social media, etc. It could have depended on time of day, browser, device, etc. Maybe they’ll iron out the kinks so everyone doesn’t have issues next year. Glad you didn’t have issues, though!!
Ughh, sorry! I was responding to (what I thought) was a comment on a post about the Safeway game that just ended. That was super glitchy, but is over!
This game is still going. I keep getting notices about fuel rewards having issues, but other than that, it’s worked pretty well for me in this round. Glad you aren’t having issues!
For the summer sweepstakes where is the code that you enter online when you buy a snack or bottle beverage?
I wish I knew! I tried entering the # above the UPC and the UPC # and it wouldn’t take either. I’m also not getting a point each day I login and the tracker hasn’t moved for returning 5 days. Basically, I think this game is not working for everyone. I hope they get it fixed soon. This is such a disappointment compared to their previous games!
Iโm not either this game is not good
Let’s play
I wish I knew too doesnโt give points for returning each day either!
I know of others having the same issue. It isn’t you! There is something wrong. I wish they would fix it!
I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong at Circle K to use my Fry’s gas points. The prompt on the screen says rewards, so I press that, then press Fry’s alternate ID, I put in my 10 digit number, enter, and then it just asks me to slide in my credit card, with no option to use the fuel points?!
I’m pretty sure that’s all I do and it magically works. Sorry, but I’m not sure how to help you since I’m not affiliated with Fry’s. You should probably contact their customer service: 1-800-KRO-GERS (1-800-576-4377)
Hope they can help!
Please note that for special coupons like “free $2 for Cinco de Mayo”I have now had to scan the coupon twice as it only takes off $1 at a time.
Take away: make sure you are confirming the coupon after scan and the amount too.
Thanks to circle k for offering this but their app and system is faulty. And they outsource their customer service.
YES! I added a note at the top for yesterday’s deal, but need to put a note down below that will stay. It’s happened the last several times, but most cashiers don’t know. Yesterday, I asked the cashier to scan it twice and he looked at me like I was crazy. Instead, he asked to see it. I showed it to him and said, “See, it says $2. I’m not sure why it works, but in the past the cashier has scanned it twice and it works. Can you try that?” He did and … magical, just like I said. :)
For others reading this … the problem comes in, like Sarah said, if you close it. DON’T! Some cashiers really want you to scan in your Rewards barcode, but if you close the coupon to get to it, you’ll be out of luck. Wait until you verify your total!
Fyi you don’t have to use the whole $2. They will give you the change when you have these credits.
Yes, you’re right! I should add that. I’ve gotten their Polar Pop, a buck, and some change before. Thanks for the reminder!
Circle k has now resorted to not automatically displaying your sale on the screen at checkout. Be sure that you ask the cashier and get your receipt as they will not always tell you whether it was redeemed and once you close it you are out of luck. Also they will not give/offer you change if it is a small amount .25 or less. You have to ask.
Yes! I had that happen. It seemed like my game freebie had gone through and then she said, “Wait, it didn’t work.” It was gone since I closed it. :( She ended up telling me to just take it, which I’m sure isn’t what they’re supposed to do, but it was nice. I’m sure it can go the other way just as easily.
Thanks for the heads up on asking for the change!
I just had my birthday in December, so I can confirm that the $2 is awarded ON your birthday and is good for 30 after. Free money, just used mine for a gallon of milk for .99. Can’t beat that!
Thank you for confirming that. I was pretty sure it was 30 days, but was also afraid it might have been shorter. Now, I don’t have to wait until my birthday to confirm. Thanks!
Are u able to redeem multiple prizes at once from your wallet
Yes, you can redeem up to 3 prizes at the same time!
Sorry for the duplicate replies. Your “recaptcha” thing kept timing out after 10 seconds. Had to keep selected the palm trees and crosswalks. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for taking the time to let us know, even with the captcha being a pain. It’s appreciated!
Tested it this morning and you don’t have to make an additional purchase. They only try to charge you the tax on the item that is Free.
Tested it this morning. Didn’t have to buy anything else, just the Little Debbie (even though the CircleK I go to didn’t have the Christmas Cake) Oatmeal cake. Ended up being three cents as they wanted the tax. The clerk said not to worry about the three cents. lol
In the fine print of the offer it says free “with any purchase”. I wonder if they really enforce that part.
Thanks for pointing that out! I assumed it was the same as previous years. I added a note, and am hoping someone to will test it and let us know.